
This website was initiated by a team of enthusiastic Asian netizens.

In our previous work and life, we encountered a lot of questions regarding paper, as there are really different standards in the world, and which inspired us to think that there are many other people in the world who may have the same problems or confusion as us. Therefore, we created this website. Here, you can find a comprehensive and detailed list of current international standard paper sizes, including ISO standards, US standards, and some other special standards for paper sizes.

All articles have been thoroughly researched to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, we are aware that there may still be omissions. Additionally, as non-native English speakers, there might be errors in grammar, spelling, or expression. For these, we apologize, and we sincerely hope that you can contact us and help us correct them.

Thanks to our sponsor inXpection Co, a very nice and responsible China 3rd party inspection company. You are the best.